Thursday, August 14, 2008

hey im tyler nice to meet you

hey my name is tyler im fourteen six feet tall and have great parents and friends. i guess you could say i live a normal life. But i am spoiled not rotten but spoiled.

im your typicall teenager i guess in high school playing football being a kid. im not one of those people who just plan every moment of theyre lifes im more of a life everyday as if it was your last. I do enjoy some planning on somethings but not much. my best friend tho is a schedule freak. but he says its good because u wont look lost everyday. he does make fun of me alot saying i "smell" but hes still a good friend . In fact proably some of the funnyest stuff ive done ive done with him but o well we fight alot but get over it it a day so . hes more of a finds friends and stays with them , not me i like to keep making and making friends. i am a very outgoing and nonsensical person but hey i have fun so.

well thats all for now i just wanted to introduce my self but ill be back on daily or every otherday but see ya then


Who Am I? said...

looking forward to see what you'll right about. go into word and make your post in there so it will make sense.

SaMaNtHa said...

i can tell drew wrote this : )

Katrina said...

The first or second sentence I read I thought you didn't write that....sounds like andrew wrote it.

Anonymous said...

A Mac, Samantha and Katrina need to shush....I like your writing style.

Take care,
